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Abstracts of files as of Tue Jun 1 03:21:28 PDT 1993
Directory: info-mac/card/xcmd
#### BINHEX aliases.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 20:24:28 +0200
From: ocinquin@timb.chrug.imag.fr (Olivier Cinquin: ocinquin@timb.imag.fr)
Subject: Aliases
Aliases is a stack which allows the scripter to use aliases from HyperCard
quite easily. This program is shareware ($20).
The file has been compacted with CompactPro.
#### BINHEX appleshare-chooser-23.hqx ****
Organization: Communications Research Centre, OTTAWA, CANADA
From: bryden@QMAIL.dgrc.doc.ca (Karen Bryden)
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1992 11:23:15 EST
Subject: This is a stack containing (1/2)
REGARDING This is a stack containing file server mount and
The attachment is a stack called AppleShare Chooser 2.3, containing file
server mount and unmount XCMDs. I recently went hunting for it and could
not find it anywhere. Fortunately, a kind person at Berkely helped me out.
Could I suggest that it be reposted?
#### BINHEX applevent-utilities.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 5 May 93 10:57 +1200
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: info-mac/card/x/applevent-utilities.hqx
Here's a set of HyperCard externals I wrote for doing things with AppleEvents,
together with a demo stack showing some examples of their use.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Computer Services Dept
University of Waikato
Hamilton, New Zealand
#### BINHEX balloon-101.hqx ****
Date: 21 Jul 92 12:55 +0100
From: Robert Geisler <geisler@mpib-tuebingen.mpg.dbp.de>
Subject: Balloon XCMD V1.0.1
The Balloon XCMD allows you to add System 7 Help balloons to your HyperCard
buttons and fields. A demo stack and the Think C source are included. Freeware
by R. Geisler, 1992.
#### BINHEX binary-read.hqx ****
Date: 25 Jan 1993 15:59:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: binaryRead XFCN and demo stack
#### BINHEX bunga-dabba-xthangs.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 92 13:30:29 EDT
From: byrne@cc.gatech.edu (Michael Byrne)
Subject: BungDabba XThangs
Here's a collection of miscellaneous HyperCard XCMDs & XFCNs from the
people who brought the world the ColorizeHC XCMD. Highlights are
an XFCN that allows irregularly shaped buttons, an XCMD for converting
PICT files to PICT resouces, an XFCN that does directory searching, and
an XCMD that copies text with style information intact.
Better still, it's FREEWARE!
Mike Byrne byrne@cc.gatech.edu
Grad student in Psychology/Cognitive Science
25947 GA Tech Station, Atlanta, GA 30332
----->>>> "Only the mediocre are always at their best."
#### BINHEX colorize-112.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1992 09:17:35 GMT
From: John Forrest <jf@ap.co.umist.ac.uk>
Subject: New version of Colorizing HC XCMD (v1.1.2)
Please find enclosed v1.1.2 of the Colorize HC XCMD stack. This replaces
v1.1. Unfortunately this was sent containing some externals that should
have been removed. The new version contains some extra functionality, such
as signal HCinit to initialise colour, but the main change is the
introduction of an Aids stack - offloading authoring aids from the XCMD
I sent this on 16thSep, but since no-one is carrying it, I presume it did
not get through.
The following message is from v1.1:
This is a new version of the Colorizing HC XCMD stack. The stack it
replaces (v1.0) was a set of support scripts for the colorizeHC XCMD, which
is included. This version goes further: it is a general tool for creating
the sort of stacks where you wish to perform some function everytime the
stack becomes visible - changing some graphics, showing some windows,
changing the position and visibility of buttons and fields, etc. There are
many more facilaties, and is worth looking at, even if you don't intend to
colour your stacks. Unlike previously, a version of the original Colorizing
Hypercard stack (from BungDabba) is included - although modified to use the
XCMD stack - which serves as the major reference to the XCMD itself. Some
monochrome support is provided, in terms of using picture windows, and all
the main stacks supplied are readable in black and white - don't expect to
see the demos working though.
I hope you find it useful. Apart from referencing, this is all supplied
without restrictions on its use. Note that you need Hypercard 2.0v2 or
later for the XCMD to work - it is shipped as a Hypercard 2.0 stack.
#### BINHEX cursor-utils.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 08:48:13 NZD
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: Cursor Utilities for HyperCard
This package contains two HyperCard externals, setCursor (first
version seen in XCMD Miscellany back in 89) and idleCursor (also in
the Pictoid Package). With them you can; set the cursor location
under program control, constrain the cursor to only follow horizonatAl
or vertical mouse movements, decouple the cursor and the mouse
completely, and set HyperCard's idle cursor (stops HyperCard switching
back to the hand when you don't want it to, can also be used to hide
the cursor completely).
Warning: Use of setCursor violates the Apple User Interface
Guidelines! Beware the Apple Thought Police!
Stack is free to most people, license details in stack.
--- cut here --- (binhex/Compact Pro)
#### BINHEX dartmouth-40.hqx ****
Date: 02 Feb 1993 11:03:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Dartmouth XCMDs 4.0
The latest long-awaited update of the Dartmouth XCMDs. Indispensable.
#### BINHEX dartmouth-403-updater.hqx ****
Date: 25 Apr 1993 13:44:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [*] Dartmouth XCMDS 4.0.3 updater
#### BINHEX date-utils.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 22:30:37 -0500
From: yjc@po.cwru.edu (Jerome 'TofuSoft' Chan)
Subject: dayOfWeek & Month XFCN
These two XFCNs return the localised text strings of the full/long
dayOfWeek and month respectively. I wrote these because I had trouble
parsing the long date into the month and dayOfweek respectively :P (Call me
stupid duh!). I could not depend on the word order format of the long date
since it is now configurable. I hope somebody has a use for these darn
things besides myself. :)
Does anyone know how I deal with the long month(), abrev month() or short
month() in a XFCN? Pointers and source code will be appreciated.
Think C 5.0 Source included. FreeWare I guess (How can anyone copyright 6
lines of code?)
Email: yjc@po.cwru.edu or Fading@aol.com.
The Evil Tofu
#### BINHEX developer-stack.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 2 May 91 9:07:37 EST
From: Tkelley@hel4.brl.mil
Subject: Developer-Stack
This is the first part of a two part developer Stack. This stack
is a very valuable collection of xcmds and xfcns. I have had no
problems using it with HyperCard 2.0, although this stack is in
1.2.x format. Enjoy...
#### BINHEX enhanced-palettes.hqx ****
From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre)
Subject: File submission
Date: Sun, 16 May 93 21:03:27 PDT
Written by Harry Myhre
Sun, May 16, 1993
Vox 213-876-1965
Internet <harrym@netcom.com>
This stack contains resources for two palettes similiar to the
Navigator palette shipped with HyperCard 2.x. One palette is a
lengthened version of the Navigator palette, the other is a
shortened version. The short palette works better with small
screens. Click on the buttons below to show the palettes.
#### BINHEX fast-tab-103.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 19 May 92 13:28 PDT
Subject: FastTab 1.03 XCMD for stacks with lotsa fields
From: John_Miller@mindlink.bc.ca (John Miller)
Attached is FastTab 1.03, the latest version of this HyperCard
Tab key accelerator.
As the number of fields on a card increases, the speed at
which HyperCard 2.0/2.1 tabs between fields decreases. This is
most apparent on the low-end Macs, but can also be noticeable on
higher performance Macs when using cards with many fields. The FastTab
XCMD accelerates tabbing to bring the performance back
to an acceptable level. Compressed in Compact Pro format.
Shareware for individual use. Created by Symplex Systems.
John Miller
Symplex Systems
#### BINHEX file-rsrc-misc-utils.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 93 09:46 +1300
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: info-mac/card/x/file-rsrc-misc-utils.hqx
Enclosed is an assortment from my large collection of HyperCard externals.
These ones provide functions for manipulating resources, blocks of memory,
files and aliases, plus a few other odds and ends. A lot of them are fairly
low-level and should be used with care, but some people might still find them
useful. Some of these were used in my Voice Attachment Converter stack.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Computer Services
University of Waikato
New Zealand
#### BINHEX file-sys-info.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1993 17:35:50 +1200
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz (Nigel Perry)
Subject: FileSysInfo XFCN (Early Access Release)
This XFCN is an "early access" release, that is it is part of another
package under development and is being shipped by itself after a request
on Usenet for something with its functionality. Early Access does NOT
imply beta, this is fully functional (I hope!).
FileSysInfo is an XFCN for HyperCard which returns back details on
a pathname you give it, if the pathname is a folder this information
includes details on all the files/folders within it. File information
includes creator, type, size(s) and folder information includes number
of contained files & folders.
Summary of license conditions: For personal & educational use non-ShareWare
authors must send me a psotcard, ShareWare authors must also send a waiver
for their ShareWare fees (this is just to use it, not to include it in
ShareWare). All other use is prohibited without prior agreement with
the author.
Dr Nigel Perry Email: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Deptartment of Computer Science Tel: +64 6 356 9099 x8900
Massey University Fax: +64 6 350 5611 Attn. Dr N. Perry
Palmerston North
New Zealand
#### BINHEX finder-events-12.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 29 May 92 10:23:59 -0700
From: Jon Pugh <jpugh@apple.com>
Subject: [*] finderevents12.hqx
This is also available on ftp.apple.com in /pub/pugh/hyperstuff.
This is the newest version of the Bride of FinderEvents stack
which contains the oh-so-handy FinderEvents XCMD. This XCMD
allows you to control the Finder as much as it can be controlled
through Apple events. New changes allow the use of minimal aliases
so that you can now open items on remote machines with only a
pathname, a task previously thought to be impossible.
This is a must have for System 7 and Hypercard 2.1 users.
#### BINHEX floating-comment.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 14:14:41 -0500
From: parshall@ecn.purdue.edu (Jim Parshall)
Subject: CommentWdw_v1.sit.hqx
The Floating Comment XCMD is used for providing an interactive edit
window to the user. It appears as a windoid and has an optional
instruction string and optional scrolling edit field. It can be sized,
moved, opened and closed under script control, and has both an OK and
a Cancel button.
#### BINHEX fractions-20.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 92 18:46:34 +0100
From: ocinquin@timb.chrug.imag.fr (Olivier Cinquin: ocinquin@timb.imag.fr)
Subject: Fractions 2.0
Fractions 2.0 now supports prime numbers up to 997, instead of 11.
The file is Pro-Compacted.
#### BINHEX gestalt-321.hqx ****
Date: 27 Feb 1993 15:40:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Gestalt XFCN 3.2.1
A HyperCard XFCN that returns extensive system & hardware info.
Downloaded from AOL. Please direct comments questions and suggestions to:
America Online: J5rson Internet: j5rson@aol.com
CompuServe: 76675,1772 GEnie: J5rson
Watermark: 616.698.2310 Telephone: 616.949.0346
#### BINHEX get-addressing-mode.hqx ****
From: Thomas Fruin <thomas@heraldo.apple.cl>
Organization: Apple Chile
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 92 14:23:57 EST
Subject: GetAddressingMode XFCN - tells if Mac is in 24 or 32 bit mode
Some time back I asked the net for an XFCN to determine if a machine is
running with 24-bit addressing or 32-bit addressing. As Dan LaSota already
pointed out in an earlier digest, the GestaltLook! set of XFCNs include
that functionality.
While browsing on AppleLink I also found the GetAddressingMode external.
GetAddressingMode does exactly what its name implies and fills the above-
mentioned need. It's also shareware, so I'm submitting it to the archives.
-- Thomas Fruin Santiago, Chile thomas@heraldo.apple.cl
#### BINHEX guide-to-xcmds-12.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 18:21:41 +1300
From: CLAS005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: [*] guide-to-XCMDs stack 1.2
Here is version 1.2 of Guide to XCMDs, a stack which reports
on what XCMDs and XFCNs are out there in the public domain.
(Actually it catalogues my own personal collection of downloaded
XCMDs, so it may be that there are some or many I don't know
about.) Does not contain any XCMDs but includes names and email
addrs of authors.
This version takes into account the newly released Dartmouth
XCMDs 4.0 and some other new interesting XCMDs.
Replaces guide-to-xcmds.hqx (in /info-mac/card/x).
Self-extracting archive.
Matt Neuburg = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
#### BINHEX hpopup-menu-323.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 00:30:51 -0800
From: Jon Pugh <jpugh@apple.com>
Subject: [*] HierPopup 3.1.3
I don't know what's worse, having people report bugs or finding them yourself
and wondering what those people were doing. In this case I found a silly one
myself and made a few changes based on some user feedback. When I changed
the code for MENU resources, I inadvertantly forgot to check the status of
the variable I set to tell if a menu was enabled, which resulted in all
menu items being enabled, even if they weren't. They didn't look any
different, but if you let the mouse up on a disabled item it was returned
anyhow. I guess not many people use disabled items in popups, but I do,
so I fixed it. In addition, I beefed up the error checking. I was bailing
on errors and leaving menus allocated. Now I delete them. That was just
sloppy. I also fixed a check I was making for the error of too many menu
items. It turns out that I fixed the limit but forgot to fix the check for
it, until now. You can now have an unlimited number of items in your menus,
but you can only have 300 submenus.
In case you don't know, this Hypercard external implements a popup menu
wherever you want. You can specify where you want the menu to appear and
what menu item you want to appear under the mouse, plus whether or not you
want a check mark on that item. You can specify the font and size too.
In addition you can create big menus with up to 300 hierarchical menus
hanging off of them. You can put in a single item which will expand out
to a list of resources. You can also use MENU resources instead of specifying
a string. This can work faster since it doesn't need to be parsed like
the strings do.
It is also on ftp.apple.com in /pub/pugh/hyperstuff/hierpopup.sit.hqx
#### BINHEX hypermerge-202.hqx ****
From: gort@netcom.com (george harrington)
Subject: *Hypermerge 2.02
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 92 19:53:09 PST
Here is hypermerge 2.0.2, a shareware program from Bill Iverson. Its purpose
is to enable you to automatically merge two stacks, or portions of two stacks,
together into one stack. Also handy for recovering stacks with corrupted
cards (simply merge to a new blank stack). I've not tested it with HC 2.0
or later, but I know it works fine with 1.2.2 and 1.2.5, and I see no reason
it shouldn't work with 2.0 and 2.1.
#### BINHEX is-running-10.hqx ****
Date: 15 Mar 1993 11:33:02 +0100
From: mathieu@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr (Mathieu Jacques)
Subject: [*]IsRunning XFCN 1.0
This is IsRunning 1.0, an XFCN that checks if an application is
currently running. It is compatible with System >= 7.0,
and HyperCard >= 2.0.
You only need to pass an application creator as parameter.
It is freeware for non commercial use.
Think Pascal 4.02 source included.
For comments, bug reports, e-mail to Pierre MATHIEU
internet : mathieu@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
-Cut Here-
#### BINHEX lists-11.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 13:24 EST
From: Doug Ward <DWARD%UTOROISE.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: [*] lists xfcn's 1.1 update
Lists XFCN's package 1.1
This is version 1.1 of the Lists XFCN's stack which includes
version 1.1 of most of the XFCN's. The revisions have fixed some
minor annoying bugs and one major bug in the sortList XFCN. Sorry
for any inconveniences.
This stack should replace the previous version (1.0) in the
This package of XFCN's was written to provide a simple and
versatile programming interface for manipulating complex lists of
text strings in HyperCard. List lines can contain multiple items,
and both lines and items can be delimited by any single character
(not just returns and commas). I have included functions for
building, sorting, editing, searching, and combining lists. The
package is shareware.
Doug Ward
#### BINHEX millsecond-timer.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 93 11:27:41 -0700
From: Jon Pugh <jpugh@apple.com>
Subject: [*] Millsecond Timer XFCN
Here is a minor bugfix version of my Shareware millisecond timer XFCN for
Hypercard. This is ideal for psychology experiments done in Hypercard.
The function is limited to 15 ms resolution until the $10 shareware payment
is received and I send you a password to allow it to use 1 ms resolutions.
As is, it is slightly better than ticks. It also includes a discussion of
the errors involved in using the Macintosh, particularly with AppleTalk,
floppies and ADB. This XFCN is a lot easier than coding your experiments
in C! I've also customized this for several people, so feel free to ask...
Also available on ftp.apple.com in /pub/pugh/hyperstuff.
#### BINHEX polybuttons.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 1 May 93 19:18:51 -0700
From: djchin@dsrna.agi.org (daniel j. chin)
Polybuttons is an xfcn that enables polygonal buttons
to be created and controlled within Hypercard. It was
written by Greg Anderson and forwarded to me by
Polybuttons should be archived in /card/x/polybuttons.sit.hqx.
#### BINHEX powerbook-dial-fix.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1992 10:15:28 -0500
From: mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu (Michael A. McGuire)
Subject: HyperCard/PowerBook dialing bug
I got a new 9600 baud modem. Hooked it up to my IIfx. AppleLink worked,
VersaTerm-PRO worked, but HyperCard would not. Sent mail to CLARIS.TECH
and was given the following line of code, "set dialingTime to 300", to add
to the Phone Dialer stack. I commented out the "wait 3 seconds". It works.
I show the if it comes from below:
> if (dialMode > 1) and (hilite of cd btn id 29 of cd id 2149) then
> set dialingTime to 300
> -- wait 3 seconds -- increase for your modem
> -- send any additional chars if "send after dialing" checkbox checked
> send "dial empty with modem" &&
> quote & (card field id 28 of card id 2149) & quote to hyperCard
> end if
In addition I got mail this a.m. telling be of a problem with HyperCard
dialing on a PowerBook and that an XCMD was available on AppleLink to fix
it. I down loaded the stack and it works too. I include the stack.
Below is part of the info from the stack. It is self-explaining and
installing. I did not write it so don't call me.
>With HyperCard 2.1 (and previous versions) the "dial <number> with modem" command
>does not work for some internal PowerBook modems. Although you can still use the
>speaker of a PowerBook to generate the dialing tones and dial a phone number, many
>people would still like to use their internal PowerBook modem. The "Dial" XCMD
>included in this stack will successfully dial using internal PowerBook modems.
>Just install the "Dial" XCMD in your Home stack and everything should work fine.
Michael McGuire, mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu
#### BINHEX powers-10.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 92 18:50:19 +0100
From: ocinquin@timb.chrug.imag.fr (Olivier Cinquin: ocinquin@timb.imag.fr)
Subject: Powers 1.0
Powers is a small XFCN which allows to simplify power products (for example,
(10^5)/(2^7) becomes (5^5)/(2^2).
The file is Pro-compacted. I reckon it should go into the "x" folder.
#### BINHEX progress-window.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 14:15:24 -0500
From: parshall@ecn.purdue.edu (Jim Parshall)
Subject: ProgressWdw_v1.sit.hqx
The Progress Window XCMD is used for providing progress reports to the
user. The obvious feature of this XCMD is the thermometer indicator
showing percent complete. While it appears as a modal dialog, it really
is an extended XCMD window. It ignores all keys presses and mouse
clicks. It can also show an optional icon and the text and icon can
be changed at anytime under script control.
#### BINHEX rinaldi-externals-20.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1992 07:59 EDT
Subject: * rinaldi-externals 2.0
The prolific F. Rinaldi continues to do for HyperCard
what needs to be done for HyperCard.
Rinaldi Externals 2.0 is a single stack that includes
92 of Rinaldi's XFCNs & XCMDs, with related resources:
Align 2.6 ATalkZones 1.1 Calendoid 1.3
CapsLock 1.0 ChooseColor 1.1 Chooser 1.3
ClipInfo 1.0 CopyFolder 1.9 CopyRes 1.8
CreateFolder 1.2 CreateStack 1.1 DateConverter 1.0
DocCreator 1.2 DocTypes 1.5 DoMenu 1.0
EraseFile 1.1 ExtractItems 1.4 FileCopy 2.0
FileIsOpen 1.1 FileMaker 1.1 FindFolder 1.0
FolderSize 1.1 FontMaster 1.2 FormatNum 1.0
FullBalloons 1.0 FullDrag 1.3 FullFind 1.4
FullHPop 1.3 FullMove 1.1 FullOffset 1.0
FullRemove 1.0 FullRename 1.4 FullReplace 1.1
FullResList 2.0 FullSFPack 1.4 FullSFPut 1.3
FullSort 3.2 FullText 1.0 GetBootVol 1.1
GetDir 1.8 GetFInfo 1.1 GetIcon 1.0
GetMode 1.3 GetPassword 1.3 GetSysFolder 1.0
GetVInfo 1.0 GlobalList 1.1 GlobalMaster 1.0
HowMany 1.1 ICNToICON 1.6 Infoid 1.1
IsFile 1.0 IsFinderLocked 1.1 IsFolder 1.0
IsObject 1.0 KillRes 1.2 LineCount 1.7
ListLogic 1.4 Listoid 2.8 ListSelect 4.1
MacType 1.3 Menu 2.1
Mousoid 1.1 NameNewFile 1.0 Notification 1.0
NubusList 1.0 PPCList 1.0 PrintPICT 1.3
Privileges 1.2 Prompt 2.5 Promptoid 1.2
RemoveFolder 1.1 ReplaceCharSet 1.0 ResolveAlias 1.1
ResText 1.1 ScrapXCMDs 1.9 SelectDir 1.1
SelectFile 1.0 SendPS 1.3 SetFileFlag 1.1
SetFinderLock 1.1 SetMode 1.2 ShowHideFolder 1.1
SoundRecord 1.4 StripDup 1.1 StrWidth 1.0
Switch 1.3 Tabloid 1.1 TextRes 1.3
Textoid 3.6 WindName 1.1 XRef 1.3
V.2.0 replaces info-mac/card/x/rinaldi-externals-11.hqx.
Ken Fisher, SUNY Oneonta
#### BINHEX rinaldi-externals-31.hqx ****
Date: 27 Feb 1993 14:57:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: rinaldi-externals 3.1
Rinaldi-externals 3.1 includes 127 of Frederic Rinaldi's freeWare XCMDs
and XFCNs, current as of 10-Feb-93, and fully documented. There are 8
new externals, 5 updates, icons identifying system dependencies
(Hypercard 2, System 7, Quicktime, etc.) and stack navigation buttons.
#### BINHEX rtf-reader.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1992 12:34:00 -0500
From: abbate@world.std.com (janet e abbate)
Subject: RTF XCMDs w/ source
Enclosed is version 1.2 of some HyperCard XCMDs that can read and
write styled text in Rich Text Format (RTF). Think C source is
included. The main changes since the previous release are that the
XCMDs can handle text longer than 30Kbytes, and that they understand
more of the RTF produced by Word 5. This is shareware.
#### BINHEX scroll-bar-20.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 12:03:58 NZD
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: ScrollBar Stack v2.0
ScrollBar Stack v2.0
Update to original ScrollBar stack distributed ? years ago. This
version adds an option to use the new colour scrollbars in System 7.
This stack contains an external which create true scroll bar controls
for HyperCard. The external can paint a picture of the scroll bar
directly on the card/background, thus making it appear as though the
scroll bars are really part of the card. The external will also
execute a HyperCard handler as the thumb moves, this enables instant
feedback including very good multiple scrolling fields. Colour and B/W
scroll bars are supported, but only B&W can be painted onto the card!
Stack is PostcardWare for personal use by non-ShareWare authors.
ShareWare authors must issue a waiver to the author for any fees on
their products if they wish to use the stack after a trial period.
Other commercial etc. users must license the software after a trial
period. Full license details in stack.
--- cut here --- (Binhex/Compact Pro)
#### BINHEX search-plus.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 14:15:43 -0500
From: parshall@ecn.purdue.edu (Jim Parshall)
Subject: SearchPlus_v1.sit.hqx
SearchPlus is a new search XFCN which performs the same basic operation
as the Search XFCN included with HyperCard, but with four enhancements:
a. Better "searchWhole" characteristics: The HC Search XFCN will find
"10" in "1000" with searchWhole on!
b. Optional ignore-delimiters feature.
c. Unlimited (well, you know) return string length.
d. Additional information is returned about the found chunks: Besides
the line number and item number, it also returns item number _within_
the found line, and the character number of the container.
It also uses HyperCard's itemDelimiter function (not necessarily a
comma). HyperCard 2.1 is required.
#### BINHEX show-dialog-16.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 93 13:50:54 -0400
From: by303@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jay L. Cross)
Subject: [*] ShowDialog 1.6 XCMD
This is ShowDialog XCMD 1.6, a HyperCard external that allows
the display of dialogs which are much more "Mac-like" than
those of the ask and answer (and their variations) commands
built into HyperCard. ShowDialog XCMD 1.6 and several other
useful externals are installed in the example stack, which is
a terrific example of stack design and scripting. This is a
"must-have" for any stack developer, from novice to expert.
Although extensive examples are included, some knowledge of
ResEdit or other resource editor is required. ResEdit (or
other) is required to create your custom DLOG and DITL re-
sources used by ShowDialog XCMD.
PLEASE read the enclosed "About" text document. It contains
information about changes between this version and previous re-
leases, and information about the author (now deceased).
There have recently been several requests on comp.sys.mac.
hypercard and on the HYPERCRD list for this file, so I've put
together this archive and uploaded it. Note that I've no
connection with the product or the author - I'm just a satis-
fied, long-time user of ShowDialog. Shareware - $5.00 (!).
Jay Cross Cross Resources (216) 286-8282
HyperCard development, Macintosh user training, DTP
#### BINHEX sound-utilities.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:49 +1300
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: info-mac/card/x/sound-utilities.hqx
Here is a collection of XCMDs and XFCNs I wrote to do multi-channel sound
from HyperCard, with synchronization. It's all a little bit experimental
(ie not 100% reliable--though I'm not convinced that the Sound Manager is
entirely blameless), and System 7 and a 68020 or better CPU are definite
requirements for most of it to work. I've included a demo example so you
can see how it works.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Computer Services Dept
University of Waikato
New Zealand
#### BINHEX status-window.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 14:15:05 -0500
From: parshall@ecn.purdue.edu (Jim Parshall)
Subject: StatusWdw_v1.sit.hqx
The Status Window XCMD is used for providing non-response status reports
to the user. While it appears as a modal dialog, it really is an
extended XCMD window. It ignores all keys presses and mouse clicks. It
can also show an optional icon and the text and icon can be changed at
anytime under script control.
#### BINHEX tiff-display.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1993 22:53:01 -0500
From: abbate@world.std.com (janet e abbate)
Subject: TIFF XCMD
TIFFWindow is a shareware XCMD that displays TIFF image
files in a window under Hypercard. It understands 1, 2, 4, 8,
and 24-bit images, as well as compression. It computes
a custom palette when appropriate, so that, for instance,
24-bit images look good on 8-bit monitors.
TIFFWindow runs on any Mac that can run Hypercard 2,
though some features require Color QuickDraw, 32-bit
QuickDraw, or System 7.
C source is included.
#### BINHEX true-idle.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 19:57:38 +0200
From: ocinquin@timb.chrug.imag.fr (Olivier Cinquin: ocinquin@timb.imag.fr)
Subject: TrueIdle!
This small freeware program makes HyperCard's "idle" handler work much better:
it is called anywhen (when the drawing tools are selected, when an external
window usually prevents it from beign called, ...), except when HyperCard is
executing a script.
This program has been compacted with Compact-Pro.
#### BINHEX turtle-graphics.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 14:29:34 AST
From: "Glen Jordan" <jordan@jupiter.csd.unb.ca>
Subject: Hypercard Turtle Graphics
Turtle Graphics for HyperCard 2. (Requires system 6.04 or later). Suitable
for ages 8+. Lets you use HyperTalk to control an on-screen turtle, in the
traditional way. Implemented as XCMDs, and very fast! Draws in color in an
external window; drawings can be saved as MacPaint or MacDraw files. Includes
help buttons and many sample scripts. - Shareware, $8.00. -
Cole Harbour RPO
Dartmouth, N.S.
Canada B2W 6B2
Glen Jordan, RPF E-mail: jordan@unb.ca
Faculty of Forestry Telephone: (506) 453-4501
University of New Brunswick Facsimile: (506) 453-3538
Fredericton, NB CANADA
E3B 6C2
#### BINHEX windows-menu.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 09:10 +1300
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: RE: 7 Jan 93 submission of windowsmenu
I'd actually submitted WindowsMenu to Sumex before Christmas, with abstract,
but I didn't see it appear, hence the resubmission.
Here's an abstract to go with the resubmission:
WindowsMenu is an XCMD that installs a "Windows" menu to give you convenient
access to all windows currently open in HyperCard.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Computer Services Dept
University of Waikato
New Zealand
8-Jan-93 1:02:33-GMT,10412;000000000011
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Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 13:22 +1300
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: info-mac/card/x/windowsmenu.hqx
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